We have plans to construct a new building in the grounds of Marrick Priory. It is shown on the drawing above, to the right of the main Marrick Priory buildings. The new building will incorporate: accommodation, changing facilities, a kit store, storage and plant. It will be located on the site of the existing bungalow, which is reaching the end of its life and will be demolished before the works on the new building begin. Our planning application has been granted and we are continuing to raise money to fund the development. If you would like to help us bring this project to fruition please contact us. You can also make a donation here.
The proposal is for the demolition of the bungalow and removal of an existing static caravan and replace with a new staff accommodation building comprising: five staff bedrooms, a changing room, common room and a kit store on the ground floor, with storage and plant on the first floor.
The building would have a contemporary appearance, with stone walls, aluminium windows, oak part-glazed doors and a zinc roof. It will also incorporate a glazed roof section and glazed ground floor level canopy.
Marrick Priory is a busy and vibrant Outdoor Education Centre that employs five full-time instructors (plus two at peak periods), plus the Head of Centre. The instructors are in charge of the full-time supervision of visiting groups of children on a rota basis from breakfast to bedtime, with an on-call system through the night. The 24-hour nature of the staff duties requires on-site accommodation. The current accommodation – the bungalow and static caravan – is reaching the end of its usable life.
Marrick Priory provides an important recreational facility for visiting groups of children, many of whom have never visited the National Park. There is a clear need to replace the existing accommodation whilst improving on other facilities in order to maintain the viability of the Outdoor Education Centre.
The new building will enhance the setting and special character of Marrick Priory as a Scheduled Ancient Monument. It is a contemporary building of a design, scale and siting that respects the main Priory buildings in a manner more appropriate than the current bungalow and caravan. It will enhance the facilities of the Outdoor Education Centre, which provides an important contribution to promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park by the public.
If you would like to help us bring this project to fruition please contact us. You can also make a donation here.